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{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} -- (1)!

module Repl where

import Chess
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Evaluator
import Parser
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (parse) -- (7)!
import Witch (into)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    runReplWithBoard $
      displayLine "Welcome!\n\n" >> forever do -- (3)!

        line <- requestLine "> " -- (4)!
        let instruction = parse line -- (5)!
        board <- get -- (6)!
        result <-
          case instruction of
            Left (ParseError err) -> pure err -- (8)!
            Left (ReplError err) -> pure err
            Right instr -> evaluate instr
              `catchError` ( \case -- (9)!
                              ReplError txt -> pure txt
                              err -> throwError err -- (11)!

        displayLine result -- (10)!
    pure ()


    runReplWithBoard :: StateT Board (ExceptT e IO) a -> IO (Either e a) -- (12)!
    runReplWithBoard = runExceptT . flip evalStateT initBoard -- (13)!

    displayLine :: Text -> StateT Board (ExceptT ChessError IO) ()
    displayLine = liftIO . putStrLn . into @String -- (14)!

    requestLine :: Text -> StateT Board (ExceptT ChessError IO) Text
    requestLine prompt = do
      displayLine prompt
      line <- liftIO getLine
      pure $ into @Text line
  1. Allows writing e.g. functionOf do ... instead of functionOf $ do.
  2. void is a convenient function, which turns IO a to IO (). Used here because we don't care about the output of the repl, and in fact that output is never reached, because the repl runs a loop indefinitely.
  3. forever takes a value of type m X (where m has a Monad constraint on it) and loops it: forever mX = mX >> forever mX. It's a clean way to write a for-loop.
  4. Get a line from the user.
  5. Parse the user's input, using parse from the Parser module.
  6. Get the current state of the board.
  7. hiding is convenient for avoiding namespace conflicts.
  8. pure is like return, but only requires the Applicative typeclass. It can be used almost everywhere that return is used, but is strictly more general, because a Monad constraint implies an Applicative constraint.
  9. catchError, here used in infix form, stops an error percolating to the top level. This is useful here, because an uncaught error would halt main, and so exit the repl.
  10. Neither return nor pure is a keyword, and a block of do-notation does not need to end with it. All that is needed at the end of the "do-block" is a value of type m a (for the monad m in question), and displayLine result has that type.
  11. catchError chooses what to do with the error it catches, and one option is to throw it again. It does this for errors including Exit, in order to exit the repl on ":q".
  12. runReplWithBoard is the function responsible for "unpacking" the monadic value into something simpler. This is sometimes referred to as "running the side effects" of a program.
  13. flip is a useful function that takes a function of type X -> Y -> Z and flips the argument order to give a function of type Y -> X -> Z. It is often useful when writing in pointfree style.
  14. It is often useful to lift the type IO X to the more abstract MonadIO m => m X, which is what liftIO does.


This module is responsible for producing the actual runnable program (of type IO ()) that wraps up the whole system.



main :: IO () main = void $ runReplWithBoard $ displayLine "Welcome!\n\n" >> forever do

            line <- requestLine "> "
            let instruction = parse line
            board <- get
            result <-
            case instruction of
                Left (ParseError err) -> pure err
                Left (ReplError err) -> pure err
                Right instr -> evaluate instr
                `catchError` ( \case
                                ReplError txt -> pure txt
                                err -> throwError err 

            displayLine result 


main :: IO () main = runReplWithBoard $ displayLine "Welcome!\n\n" >> loop where

        loop = do

        line <- requestLine "> "
        let instruction = parse line
        board <- get
        result <-
            case instruction of
            Left (ParseError err) -> pure err
            Left (ReplError err) -> pure err
            Right instr -> evaluate instr
                `catchError` ( \case
                                ReplError txt -> pure txt
                                err -> throwError err 

        displayLine result 


main :: IO () main = do runReplWithBoard $ displayLine "Welcome!\n\n" >> forever do

            line <- requestLine "> "
            let instruction = parse line
            board <- get
            result <-
            case instruction of
                Left (ParseError err) -> pure err
                Left (ReplError err) -> pure err
                Right instr -> evaluate instr
                `catchError` ( \case
                                ReplError txt -> pure txt
                                err -> throwError err 

            displayLine result 
    pure ()

Last update: February 9, 2023
Created: January 8, 2023